Friday, August 19, 2011

This human body is the divine vault of storehouse of 7 jewels.


This human body is the divine vault of storehouse of 7 jewels.

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Great saints compassionately tell us that true happiness lies within the cave of all individual souls. This divine bliss can be attained via mental purification and concentration wherein the Kundalini Power is raised from one Chakra to another during deep and higher flights of meditation. Thus one can attain material/spiritual prosperity and become an instrument of advent of world peace and brotherhood. Ultimate Goal: Creation of a beautiful borderles world. Our url:

mind Yoga god world material spiritual prosperity Chakras Kundalini psyche consciousness science subtle heaven religion divine body medicine wisdom

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Generally while discussing Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) we talk of 6 Chakras but in reality they are 7 in number.  Sahasrar or the 1000-petalled lotus is the pinnacle of all Chakras.  Because it is in the brain it is considered a chief.  It is labeled extraordinary because there are 5 Chakras in the Merudanad (spinal chord), the Ajna Chakra between the eyebrows and then the Sahasrar in the head region.

The 7 Lokas (worlds) are described.  Their names are Bhooha, Bhuvaha, Svaha, Mahaha, Janaha, Tapaha, Satyam.  Even in the Islamic scriptures it is said that God resides in the 7th heaven.  Since ancient times a similar description is given in the Christian religion too.  The planet Earth is one yet 7 classes of creatures reside on it viz. sand, stone, trees, herbs, minerals, water.

One should note that the 7 worlds can never be found in the inter stellar space of our material universe.  They are neither there up in the sky nor below our planet Earth.  In reality they are present in human consciousness.  Because the macrocosm (universe) is present in the microcosm (human psyche).  Hence instead of straying away in the external world these 7 Lokas should be looked for within i.e. in our consciousness.  Thus one can contact these worlds.

According to Ayurvedic medicine the body has 7 minerals and they are blood, skin, juices, flesh, bones, marrow and semen.  Although these are visibly separate, yet they are tightly interwoven within.  All these 7 put together constitutes our gross body.  When the 7-fold aspects of the individual is discussed, it includes length, breadth, height (the 3-fold aspect i.e. holography), special orientation (time-space) and the fifth is anti matter.  It is the fifth aspect which corresponds to the subtle body that harbours extrasensory potential.  The sixth aspect is the thinking process and the seventh is divine sentiments.  The first 4 aspects are inert and the remaining three are aspects of consciousness.

Before killing Vali Lord Ram displayed his divine prowess to Sugreeva by uprooting 7 trees simultaneously with one arrow only.  In reality these 7 trees correspond to the 7 Chakras of our subtle body.  Because Abhimanyu had not awakened these 7 Chakras in an apt manner he could not come out of the Chakravyuha net laid down by the Kauravas despite the fact that he had attained divine wisdom while yet in his mother Uttara's womb.  Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) is so valuable that it has been locked in the 7 Chakras of our subtle body which are the locks of a divine vault.

When we talk of the 7 Chakras (plexuses) they are situated in this order from the base of the spine viz. 1. Mooladhar 2. Svadhishthan 3. Manipoor 4. Anaahat 5. Vishudhi 6. Ajna 7. Sahasrar.  Along with the Ajna Chakra at certain places they mention a Bindu Chakra too.  Thus Sahasrar (Brahmarandhra) is considered the ultimate station in the form of a 1000-petalled lotus or the 1000-headed serpent.  In reality together with this there are only 7 Chakras wherein the Sahasrar rules over the lower 6 Chakras.  It is very much similar to the pituitary gland being the chief of all endocrine glands.  These 6 Chakras can be said to be both separately situated and also as related to one another just as seasons of a single year are related to one another.  They are also called stones of 6 miles and that the 7th one instead of being a stone is a sacred temple.

A certain sect of Yogis call these Chakras as 7 bodies i.e. 1. Physical body 2. Etheric body 3. Astral body 4. Mental body 5. Spiritual body 6. Cosmic body 7. Divine body.  The physical body can be seen with our gross eyes.  The organs within the body can be perceived by touching them or via other means.

The second body is that in which thoughts are born.  Here one experiences likes/ dislikes, respect/ insult, one's own / aliens, contentment / discontentment, union / separation and other such sweet/ bitter experiences.  This is the etheric body which the Theosophists label as etheric double.  They think it is synonymous with the Prana Kosha or the vital sheath.  But in actuality it has a more widespread boundary.  This is seen and measured as 'Biofluxes'.  Leadbeater had discussed this through "Man-Visible-Invisible".  It is also called the Ideosphere.

The third body is related to thoughts, logic, intellect, and divine intellect.  It is related to social behaviour,  civilized behaviour, ideology, liking, culture etc.  In the mental body there is ecstatic experience of artistic skills and in it manifest delicate emotions.  This is the world of sensitivity.  In this body resides compassion, generosity, ideals etc.  The fourth body is the mental body in which glory manifests and our daring and valour matures over here.  It is on this basis that man authors his future.  If it is aptly utilized man reaches the pinnacle of his life and if its distorted, it leads to his downfall.

The fifth body is the spiritual body and is a storehouse of extrasensory potential.  The sub conscious mind is within its jurisdiction.  In the sixth body are created Rishis, men of austerities, Yogis, men of self-control etc.  In the seventh body the difference based on "mine and yours" is overcome.  Over here is awakened the sentiment of "world as one single family" and that "all beings are a part of my very soul".  Here one experiences one's soul and the body of Brahman.  This is the area of heaven and spiritual liberation.

In the Shiva Purana there is a strange legend about Shiva's son Skand or Kartikeya's birth.  Lord Shiva felt that he needed to beget a valiant son who would overcome the demons and establish the reign of demi-gods.  Thus he accepted the prayer of the demi-gods.  Shivaji's semen manifested as fire.  Parvati, his consort, was unable to bear this fire and hence Vaishwanar took the form of a female and imbibed this semen in the form of fire in her womb.  When Skand was born he manifested so much divine brilliance that there was a problem as to who would rear and nourish him.  Parvatiji did not have any experience.  Hence this task was taken up by the 6 Kritikas (Pleiades Stars).  They reared and nourished Skand.  Skand manifested 6 mouths so as to drink milk from the 6 Kritikas.  Hence Kartikeya is also called Shadanan (6-headed).  As soon as he gained might he attacked the demons and by gaining victory over them he asked the demi-gods to take over the reins.

This Skand incarnation should be looked upon as the group of the 6 Chakras (plexuses) related to Kundalini Shakti along with its influence.  Shiva's Retas (semen) is nothing but Kundalini fire power and in order to imbibe it the inner Vaishwanar is invoked.  The 6 Chakras as the 6 Kritikas give milk and by becoming a valiant soul in the intense arena of the soul, a realized spiritual aspirant who has activated his Kundalini power utilizes it for pious spiritual goals.

These 6 Chakras present in the subtle part of the Merudand can be compared to powerhouses of electricity and also transformers.  Its function is to attract energy in the subtle world and thus nourish the gross, subtle and casual bodies.

According to Tantra Science the chief powers of the world are classified in 7 ways:  Parashakti, Jnanshakti, Icchashakti, Kriyashakti, Kundalinishakti, Matrishakti and Guhyashakti.  The union of all these are called "Grand Unification of Farsus" and material research is being conducted in this field.

In spiritual science one finds a description of 7 worlds, oceans, mountains, continents etc.  It cannot be correlated to Geography.  Because in reality it is a description of the spiritual arena along with its creation and potential.  These 7 are the vault of jewels and in it one finds all that which man requires in his gross and subtle life.

Let us pray for material/spiritual prosperity and unite the world peacefully as a family so as to create: A beautiful borderless world.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Mosquito Ringtone


Mosquito Ringtone

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Cellphone ringtones of high frequency when most adults cannot hear it is called the mosquito ringtone, zumbitone, ultrasonic ringtone or simply teenbuzz ringtone.

ringtones, mosquito, mosquito ring tone, ultrasonic, teenbuzz

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The Origin and Use
The technology of mosquito ringtone is sourced from the "mosquito device" developed by Howard Stapleton primarily to drive away the teenagers who hang around the shops in UK. The device that Stapleton developed for Compound Security Systems emitted a sound called "teen buzz" that caused a great deal of annoyance to the teenagers or younger people. However people past the age of teenagers remained largely unaffected by this modulated 17 kHz sound.

This same technology was used to develop mosquito ringtone with the only exception that the frequency was kept constant at 17 kHz in this type of ringtone. With advancing age, people start losing gradually the normal hearing ability. This hearing impairment due to age is known as "presbycusis". The range of audibility for a teenager is not what it is for older people. This phenomenon is utilized in mosquito ringtone as the teenagers using this ringtone in their mobiles can hear a call or get alerted by an incoming message without the elder people knowing about it.

The situation can well be comprehended in a classroom scenario where a student gets a call or a message in his mobile phone with mosquito ringtone with the teacher not knowing about it. It thus became an instant hit with the teenagers who could now use their mobiles with freedom and without interference by parents or superiors. What started as a technology for security became a source of humor and the mosquito ringtone powered the teenagers with "silent knowledge" that they got from their mobiles without others" knowledge.

Mosquito Device
The product "mosquito device" is based on the principle that the high frequency sounds that are not audible to the people advanced in age may be heard by teenagers and can cause annoyance to them thus acting as a deterrent where the situation so warranted. Manufactured by Compound Security, a British Company, the product emitting 17 kHz high pitch sound that is more akin to the buzzing of the insects intended to detract the young people from gathering in one place in large number.

Shopping malls do not like the idea of teenagers and youths crowding the space and would like them to scatter and move around instead of congregating. The mosquito ringtone buzz if beamed continuously at this age group of people would cause irritation and would drive them to move on.

The undesired gatherings at shopping malls are thus avoided. The mosquito device from which the idea of mosquito ringtone has been derived was launched in 2005 and has since been found to be very useful by the business community and law keepers. While it is appreciated by people benefiting from it as measure of crime prevention, it has also been criticized by many as a health hazard and an affront to the rights of people.

Mosquito ringtone is not supposed to be heard by older people as hearing ability decreases with age. However often older people are reported to have been able to hear the mosquito ringtone. Even for the children and the young, the mosquito ringtone buzz may cause harm to the auditory organs.

Factors for Inaudibility
There are situations when the high frequency mosquito ringtone cannot be heard. The various contributing factors for these may be natural, environmental or merely psychological. Age is one of the most potent factors for inaudibility of mosquito ringtone. As people grow older, the internal organs for hearing like the inner ear and the eardrum become weaker. The very high frequency sounds cannot be heard as people advance in age which has been medically established.

Continuous exposure over a long period of time to extremely high frequency sounds and noise pollution causes hearing impairment. People who are fond of turning on their music at a very high volume are prone to this risk of loss of hearing. Also workplaces with lot of high decibel sounds adversely impact the hearing ability of a person working at those places.

As the hearing gets impaired over a period of time, the internal ear organs gradually lose their ability to hear high pitch sounds. Apart from this, in an environment full of noise, it cannot be made certain that the high frequency tone like the mosquito ringtone can be audible. The noise that is always there at the background acts as a barrier for one to listen to the mosquito ringtone. Often people cover their cellphones with protective cases or pouches. They block the speakers on the cellphones. Since high frequency sounds like mosquito ringtone cannot easily pass through such barriers, the person carrying the cellphone covered with pouch can hardly hear the sound.

The higher the volume of a cellphone, the easier it is for obvious reason to hear the mosquito ringtone. Loudspeakers in cellphones make hearing of high frequency sounds easier. A person's proximity to his cellphone is also a factor that facilitates hearing of mosquito ringtone. However it must be noted that ears should not be placed too close to the speakers or directly in contact with them as the high volume in which the tone is played might cause damage to the hearing.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bracelet a Fashion Statement For Eternity


Bracelet a Fashion Statement For Eternity

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Bracelets studded with precious stones are worn at weddings and engagements.  A bracelet enhances one's beauty.  Wearing a beautifully colored bracelet that compliments an outfit, ensures envious glances and makes one feel like a queen.

bracelet, gold, diamonds, jewelry, platinum, rings, necklace

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Bracelet is a piece of jewelry that embraces the wrist and enhances the beauty of a slender hand.  The name bracelet is taken from the Latin word 'brachile", which means "of the arm".  Bracelets give an exotic look and there is no woman who wouldn't want to show off this ornament dangling from her wrist.

Bracelets have been worn for a long time. Our ancestors wore bracelets made of wood, beads, stones, bone strips etc.  Bone strips were formed into rings and then fastened in a circle with metal clasps.  Metal and ivory were also used in the 4th century.

There are several superstitions associated with bracelets in several parts of the world.  Some believe that certain bracelets ward off evil, while others believe they bring good luck.  There is a Greek superstition where mothers make bracelets (Martis) with red and white string and tie them on their children's wrists on March 1st.  They believe that wearing these bracelets will ensure that the sun does not burn their cheeks and they remain pink in color.  After midnight, they are thrown into a bonfire. 

Bracelets in the modern day are made of a variety of materials.  They are made from precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and white gold.  Precious gemstones set in precious metal bracelets, bestow grandeur and incomparable elegance.  To make them more affordable to the common man, they are even made with cheaper materials like plastic, beads, glass etc.  Bangles are also a form of bracelets, which are used extensively in India.  These can be in plain form or set with stones.  When bangles made of glass are worn together they give out a tinkling sound that is beautiful.   Every material known to man is used in the making of bracelets.

There is a bracelet for almost every occasion and even sports are not left behind.  There are charm bracelets, tennis bracelets, sports bracelets, slap bracelets etc.  Colored silicon rubber is used in the production of sports bracelets and this trend has been started by Lance Armstrong, in the form of wristbands, for cancer awareness.   The tennis bracelet is also called a thin line diamond bracelet.  They are thin and elegant and have a symmetrical pattern of diamonds.  When talking about tennis bracelets, Chris Evert, the tennis star comes to mind as she was not only famous for her bracelets, but she is said to have lost one during the US Open in 1987 and the game had to be paused while she searched for her precious bracelet. This is when the 'tennis bracelet' name was given to the thin line diamond bracelets.  Charm bracelets contain charms like little hearts, fairies, angels, crosses etc.  These charms have a meaning and signify something important in the person's life.Bracelet is a piece of jewelry that embraces the wrist and enhances the beauty of a slender hand.  The name bracelet is taken from the Latin word 'brachile", which means "of the arm".  Bracelets give an exotic look and there is no woman who wouldn't want to show off this ornament dangling from her wrist.

Bracelets have been worn for a long time. Our ancestors wore bracelets made of wood, beads, stones, bone strips etc.  Bone strips were formed into rings and then fastened in a circle with metal clasps.  Metal and ivory were also used in the 4th century.

There are several superstitions associated with bracelets in several parts of the world.  Some believe that certain bracelets ward off evil, while others believe they bring good luck.  There is a Greek superstition where mothers make bracelets (Martis) with red and white string and tie them on their children's wrists on March 1st.  They believe that wearing these bracelets will ensure that the sun does not burn their cheeks and they remain pink in color.  After midnight, they are thrown into a bonfire. 

Bracelets in the modern day are made of a variety of materials.  They are made from precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and white gold.  Precious gemstones set in precious metal bracelets, bestow grandeur and incomparable elegance.  To make them more affordable to the common man, they are even made with cheaper materials like plastic, beads, glass etc.  Bangles are also a form of bracelets, which are used extensively in India.  These can be in plain form or set with stones.  When bangles made of glass are worn together they give out a tinkling sound that is beautiful.   Every material known to man is used in the making of bracelets.

There is a bracelet for almost every occasion and even sports are not left behind.  There are charm bracelets, tennis bracelets, sports bracelets, slap bracelets etc.  Colored silicon rubber is used in the production of sports bracelets and this trend has been started by Lance Armstrong, in the form of wristbands, for cancer awareness.   The tennis bracelet is also called a thin line diamond bracelet.  They are thin and elegant and have a symmetrical pattern of diamonds.  When talking about tennis bracelets, Chris Evert, the tennis star comes to mind as she was not only famous for her bracelets, but she is said to have lost one during the US Open in 1987 and the game had to be paused while she searched for her precious bracelet. This is when the 'tennis bracelet' name was given to the thin line diamond bracelets.  Charm bracelets contain charms like little hearts, fairies, angels, crosses etc.  These charms have a meaning and signify something important in the person's life.


Bracelets - incredibly diverse


Bracelets - incredibly diverse

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Unlike some other kinds of jewellery, bracelets are incredibly diverse.

bracelet, jewellery, accessories

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Unlike some other kinds of jewellery, bracelets are incredibly diverse. You can make a bracelet from almost any material you can think of, whether it's metal, fabric, leather, glass, wire or plastic, or natural materials like shells and stones. Bracelets are both cheap to buy and easy to make, so it's easy to personalise them to your taste and give them as gifts to your friends. Many people cherish bracelets that they have been given, especially little girls, who will collect friendship bracelets to represent each one of their friends.

If you want to make a bracelet yourself, the easiest way to do it is probably to get some beads and a piece of string. Threads woven together can also work well, as can shells if you make tiny holes in them to thread a string through. The best thing to do is to keep the bracelet as a flat string, and then tie it around the hand of the person you're giving it to so that it fits well.

Another interesting use of bracelets, only invented quite recently, is the charity bracelet. These are usually made from silicone, and bear a slogan such as 'make poverty history' or 'help the aged'. The idea is that if you see someone wearing one, you are likely to mention it, and then they will tell you a little about the cause and why it matters to them – a good way of getting people to talk about charities they care about.

In some parts of the world, bracelets have special meanings. In India, for example, they are often made from glass, and make a musical-sounding noise when the arm is moved. In Latin America, it is believed that bracelets made from gold and coral can scare away evil spirits, protecting the wearer from the jealousy of others.


The Claiming Compensation Culture in Europe


The Claiming Compensation Culture in Europe

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Over a decade ago in the USA the compensation claim culture came to rise, this has now followed into Europe, but what is compensation culture and is this a positive or negative part of our society ans European Law?

compensation culture, claim compensation, UK compensation claim, Europe Compensation, Compensation Claim Line, Claim Compensation Information, compensation information, solicitors fees, euopean law, european compensation culture, eupoean law.

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For many years now there has been a stigma attached to the "Compensation Culture". Ever since the American big boom over a decade ago when everybody seemed to be having their day in court. There were of course many horror stories, such as the man who dragged a lady from a lake, revived her and then promptly received a court summons, he was sued by the lady for cracking her ribs!

It of course has taken quite some time for the compensation culture to reach Europe, but, just as the Big Mac found its way across the water, so have the legal eagles that want us all to make that claim for compensation.

This is the main reason why claiming compensation now has a "stigma" attached to it, people are classed as "money grabbers" and yes, there are many cases that have been brought to light in the past few years regarding "fakers" and "con-men" but the fact of the matter is, many of the claims for compensation against third parties are actually valid.

Why do people make claims for compensation?

Normally a claim for compensation is made because one person has been the victim of a third parties cruelty, dishonesty, neglect or lack of care of attention, lets face it, if you have suffered mentally, physically or financially at the hands of another, surely you should be entitled to compensation!

When is it wrong to make a claim for compensation?

In short, if you have been a victim and have suffered because of somebody else, the answer is NEVER! It is your right as a citizen of the European Union to make a claim for compensation, and there are many ways that this can be done.

No Win No Fee - How does it work?

Many people choose to make compensation claims via a "No Win No Fee" arrangement, this usually means that whatever the outcome, the compensation claim will not cost you a penny, however, you should read all the paperwork carefully and look for clauses in any agreement before you sign them, if you live in the United Kingdom you can take your paperwork to the Citizens Advice Bureau who will check it for free.

A No Win No Fee agreement will normally mean taking out an insurance policy in case you lose your case, this covers both you and your solicitor against expensive legal fees that can often escalate into very large sums.


There are many different reasons why people make claims for compensation, and no person who feels that they have a genuine reason to claim should ever feel that they are in the wrong, it is essential that both individuals and companies within the European Union understand the importance of "Due Care and Attention" and "Due Diligence" and if this means "hitting them where it hurts" then so be it.

Reasons for making claims for compensation or No Win No Fee Compensation Claims can include; Road Traffic Accidents, Accidents at Work, Discrimination in the Workplace, Unfair Dismissal, Racism, Criminal Damage, Criminal Violence, Loss of Earnings, Medical Negligence, Accidents on Holiday, if fact, the list is endless, if you have suffered at the hands of another, you should consider making a claim for compensation.

Martin Bleasdale is an Internet Marketing Consultant and Editor of the European Claims Line website , this article may be reproduced as long as remains intact with a live link to the claim line website.


The Bodysuit


The Bodysuit

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A tailored outfit should look what it is meant to do—make you look sleek and tailored. No surprises. No bumps. No tell-tale bulges. That's why when it comes to fashion ethics, the bodysuit is indispensable.

full body leotard, lingerie bodystocking, fishnet bodystocking, madonna purple leotard, plus size bodystocking, dance leotard, how to tone the body,

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Copyright 2006 Mary Desaulniers

If you want to look polished outside, make sure that what you wear inside is up to snuff. The inner world mirrors the outer one, so we are told in philosophical circles; nowhere is this more evident than in the world of lingerie. How many times have we seen a $500 dress suit scandalized by the lumpy rolls or ripples emerging from an ill-fitting bra?

A tailored outfit should look what it is meant to do—make you look sleek and tailored. No surprises. No bumps. No tell-tale bulges. That's why when it comes to fashion ethics, the bodysuit is indispensable.

What is a bodysuit? Also called a "snapsuit," "leotard," or "onesie", a bodysuit is an ingenious blending of bra and panties together that you can slip on, pull down and fasten with snap-on buttons at the crotch. With that pulling down, you can lessen the damage done by ridges, flaps or belly rolls in one fell swoop of lycra. Lines that normally show from the bottom of the bra or from the waistband of the panties or stockings are almost eliminated with a good bodysuit—provided that you are not grossly out of shape. Unless you are an amazingly trim size 4, your body hugging silk gown needs a bodysuit to give that gown a polished sleek look. It gives you that extra smoothness under a figure hugging dress.

There are, however, a few challenges to wearing a bodysuit. First, bodysuits are often sold according to bra size which means that for those of us who do not have a perfect body, a body suit might be an ill-fitting enterprise. It might fit you at the bust, but not anywhere else. The best bet here is to find a bodysuit that is made from very stretchy fabric which can provide you with a bit more "give" in the hips and tummy areas.

A second challenge is the difficulty bodysuits often pose for women in the washroom. Under an evening gown, the whole process of unbuckling and buckling the bottom fasteners of the bodysuit can be a feat on its own. Tricky stuff indeed, especially if your gown is made with layered chiffon. But women have done worse in the name of beauty. And considering the sleek lines that present themselves when you emerge from the washroom, the agony is well-worth the eventual poise.

Another word of caution about bodysuits. They are most suitable for fairly well-shaped bodies-- bodies that are well toned and evenly shaped -- in all sizes. A bodysuit will help you maneuver your way into a dress that is just slightly too small, but it won't turn a size 10 into a size 6 or a size 16 into a 10. And if perchance, you do eventually manage to stuff yourself into a size 6, be prepared for a very, very uncomfortable and unflattering evening. If you are a size 12, get a size 12 bodysuit; it will still tuck in your tummy and flatter your profile, but it will never turn a medium body into a small one.

A bodysuit flatters a good body, but it is not a miracle worker,  Betty Halbreich says in "Secrets of a Fashion Therapist." Here is a list of what a body suit can and cannot do:

1.It can tame the jiggle in your backside, but it will not create "buns of steel."

2.It cannot take the place of time spent on the stairmaster or the treadmill.

3.Even the tightest waist cincher on a body suit cannot give you a nineteen inch waist.

4.It can flatter a toned body and make you feel slimmer, but it will not replace a sensible diet and workouts at the gym.

5. It will make a great reward for personal goals achieved in weight loss and inch loss—the trophy of a great body achieved through hard work and efforts.

A bodysuit is a must in every lingerie set; however, use it with discretion and respect.

Resource: "Secrets of a Fashion Therapist" by Betty Halbreich ( HarperCollins 2005) _______________________________________


Friday, August 12, 2011

7 Things to Consider Before Purchasing Model Ship Kits


7 Things to Consider Before Purchasing Model Ship Kits

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Here are some things to consider before you spend your money on a model ship kit.

model ship kits

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Whenever you make any purchase it is important to take into account what you are buying. Whether buying for yourself or for someone else as a gift, you should examine your options and think through what you would like to buy. Purchasing model ship kits is no different. Additionally, because model ship kits can be rather expensive, it is sometimes even more important for you to carefully consider your options before committing to one kit or another. Here are some things to consider before you spend your money on a model ship kit.

Budget. This is always the first consideration whenever you buy anything, including model ship kits. Because there are kits that cost tens of thousands of dollars as well as those that cost less than $100, it is important to know how much you are willing to spend.

Skill Level. Different model ship kits are for people of different skill levels. Make sure you know whether you need a beginner, intermediate, or advanced kit before you buy. It is not so bad to give one that is below level, but the results can be devastating when the skill level is too advanced.

Motorized or Not. Some model ship kits come with motors so that they can self-propel through the water. These can be expensive to fuel and maintain, so make sure you understand what is involved before purchasing a motorized ship.

Time Period. There are ships from many different time periods. Model ship kits offer a wide range of time periods in the history of sea travel. If you or someone you are buying for has a preference, you should make sure that the kit you purchase meets that preference.

Specific Ship. Not only is it possible to buy model ship kits that fit a time period, but it is also possible to build replicas of ships that actually existed (or still do). So find out whether you or your friend needs a certain ship for a collection, and then buy that ship.

Quality. If you are concerned about quality, make sure that you purchase your model ship kits from a reputable company. There are plenty of hobby shops and online kit purveyors that can help you find a good quality ship, often at good prices.

Support. The best hobby shops and other sellers of model ship kits offer support and advice. Some even offer warrantees on their products. If you are looking for good service, make sure you purchase your kit from a company that provides support and help from professionals.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hot New Designers You Have To Know About


Hot New Designers You Have To Know About

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The fashion world is a constantly changing place that serves as a revolving door for the hottest fashion designers. Fashionistas strive to stay on top of the fashion world by keep an eye on the up and coming designers that are producing the top trends on the market today. One great way to stay aware of the newest designers is to regularly look at the fashion magazines. Most magazines have a special section devoted to the designers who are working to make a name for themselves...

fashion, clothes, beauty, style, clothing

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The fashion world is a constantly changing place that serves as a revolving door for the hottest fashion designers. Fashionistas strive to stay on top of the fashion world by keep an eye on the up and coming designers that are producing the top trends on the market today. One great way to stay aware of the newest designers is to regularly look at the fashion magazines. Most magazines have a special section devoted to the designers who are working to make a name for themselves in the world of fashion. Also, check out the cable channels that specialize in fashion and style to see interviews and tips from these top designers.

It seems the hottest trend in fashion today is clothing collections designed by actors. This was made the most popular by the Sean Jean fashion label designed by rap mogul Sean, "Diddy" Combs. More recently, the "Jenny from the block" songstress, Jennifer Lopez has begun her own labels of clothing known as "Sweetface" and "JLo." These urban wear companies feature many items made from authentic fur, causing quite a stir between Lopez and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Another singer who has experience a great success in the fashion industry is Gwen Stefani with her label, "L.A.M.B." The former No Doubt lead singer entered the fashion world and has received tremendous acclaim for her revolutionary "Love Angel Music Baby" line of clothing.

Urban clothing labels are especially popular these days, with Kimora Lee Simmons experiencing a great deal of success with her "Baby Phat" clothing line. The Baby Phat line is extremely sought after and has pieces at a variety of price levels so individuals of every budget can proudly bring home pieces with the familiar cat logo.

As always, classic fashion houses like Chanel, Gucci, and Vuitton are always favorites with the fashion community as new designers are welcomed into the house and given the chance to create a lovely addition to the season. The best time to see what the fashion designers have unveiled for the upcoming season's collection is undoubtedly New York Fashion Week. Everyone from fashion royalty to Hollywood starlets are seen sitting front row at these legendary fashion shows, licking their chops at the tasty fashion offerings displayed. Most fashion magazines have excellent coverage of both the shows and the collections available at these shows, so check it out to stay on top of the fashion game.